My son is definitely a hands-on learner -- and does his best when not only is there something to put his hands "on" but when he can jump, tap his feet, beat air drums and MOVE as he is learning. HA! Maybe that's the make-up of all boys, but my analytical thinker does excel when he's using his hands to help him learn.
The AIMS Educational Foundation has a great series of books that offer hands-on activities to help kids really "GET" math and science. We were recently given the opportunity to use one of the AIMS Essential Math books from the Geometry series. The following description (from the inside cover of the book) explains perfectly what this series is all about:
Essential Math uses real-world investigations, comics, and animation to engage students and help them discover and make sense of key mathematical concepts. The units in this series are narrowly focused, conceptually developed, and carefully sequenced to provide a continuum of introduction, development, and reinforcement of the essential ideas.
The Measurement & Geometry book Area Formulas for Parallelograms, Triangles, & Trapezoids that we've been working out of has made for an easy transition from summer to school. The specifically targeted, 15-day Lesson Plan acts as a great supplement to other math curriculums to get your student involved in the real world of learning and is written for 6th - 8th graders. (BUT, my 5th, 10th and 12th graders got in on the fun, too!) It was a perfect way to slowly gear up for our full-time math curriculum while offering a reminder of what we'd been studying at the conclusion of our formal schooling in May. The entire Essential Math series would also be great for students who desire additional work in areas of math that they really enjoyed or where they need extra practice.

With parallelograms to cut up, videos to watch, problems to solve and comic strips to read -- all about MATH -- there is something here that every student can enjoy. Because we have just come off of a hectic summer schedule, we slowly stepped back into school lessons. We started by watching the Introduction video together and then jumped into the lessons.
Due to the easily understood explanations, I was able to hand my 7th grade son the workbook and let him "go at it." He watched the video helps provided on the DVD as needed and set out to complete the assigned work. He was able to understand what was being asked of him and was able to complete most all of the work without much help from me.
This multi-sensory approach was quite the benefit for my All Boy and I think it would be a benefit for your child as well. The 80-page Area Formulas for Parallelograms, Triangles, & Trapezoids can be purchased from AIMS Educational Foundation for $9.95. The book includes a CD with video helps for each activity and PDF files that can be printed for your child. The PDF files make this a non-consumable workbook and that's a HUGE selling point to me! You can take a peek inside the book by clicking HERE. Check out the daily lesson plans and see for yourself what a wealth of information is waiting for you!

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review Area Formulas for Parallelograms, Triangles, & Trapezoids by AIMS Educational Foundation as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Area Formulas for Parallelograms, Triangles, & Trapezoids and some of the other great activity books offered by AIMS Educational Foundation HERE.~~
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Your son sounds just like mine, maybe they are all alike. My son was so fidgety he stood up to do all of his school work til he was to tall & had to bend over to write.