Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Homeschool Review: Math Refresher for Adults #hsreviews #MathEssentals #Math

You may remember that when I shared before about our experiences using No-Nonsense Algebra, I referred to it as the "easy button" of math.  My daughter was using it as a "keep your mind going" resource while we were out for the summer and my son was using it as a refresher while he prepared for college classes and they both really enjoyed it.  Well, guess what?  Math Essentials has another new and improved math resource that is perfect for adults (or almost adults) who want to hit the refresh button on their mathematical skills.  Because EVERYONE needs strong math skills, Math Refresher for Adults is the newest addition to the Mastering Essential Math Skills Series designed by Richard W. Fisher (a master teacher and former high school math teacher).  This curriculum explains math topics in an easy-to-understand, no-frills language and it offers a no fluff, no-nonsense approach to foundational math that helps to improve problem-solving skills and data analyzation. 
Math Refresher for Adults

Math Refresher for Adults is a consumable workbook (270-pages) that consists of short, concise lessons.  Each lesson is contained on one page and begins with a 3 - 6 question review of what you've already learned, followed by helpful hints to jog your memory so that you remember how to work the problems, two sample problems to work and make sure you understand the information that has been presented, 10 problems to answer as practice of the lesson, and a word problem.  There is even a small section on each page designed for you to take notes as you watch the corresponding video tutorial for each lesson.  A link for these videos is included in the textbook.  Did you catch that?  For each lesson in the textbook, there is a corresponding video lesson online.  YES!  Score!  These are short videos that range in length from 3 - 10 minutes each.  The online videos consist of the instructor speaking as the problem is worked on a digital whiteboard.  You do not see the instructor so there are absolutely no distractions.  You simply watch the problems, write them down, and then read and complete the corresponding lesson from the text.  

What I like most about Math Refresher for Adults is that it is designed with success in mind.  These short lessons make it easy to focus on one topic at a time and the detailed Table of Contents makes it easy to find exactly what you would like to work on.  It makes it perfect for moms and dads who are trying to help their children succeed, but have not worked specific types of problems in a few years.   

So much material is covered in this Math Refresher for Adults.  It is divided into two main sections -- General Math and Pre-Algebra and Algebra -- and these sections are broken down into chapters.  

The General Math studies include:
Whole Numbers -- addition, subtraction, muliplication, division
Fractions -- identifying, simplifying, adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing, reciprocals
Decimals -- reading them, changing them, comparing them, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
Percents -- changing to and finding
Geometry -- points, lines, planes, angles, perimeter, area, and circumference
Intergers -- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Charts and Graphs -- bar, line, circle, picture
Word Problems -- whole numbers, fractions, decimals

The Pre-Algebra and Algebra studies include sets, integers, exponents, square roots, percents, graphing linear equations, probability, and MORE.  One of the hardest things for me to remember when working math problems is the simple Order of Operations.  I was happy to find that there's a section that helps me with this struggle and even offers extra practice problems to make sure that I remember.  

This entire book would make for a great resource for an adult going back to college, students getting ready to take the SAT or PRAXIS, and students who simply think they "hate" math.  I am enjoying it most as a homeschool momma who needs a bit of a refresher so that I can best help my daughter as she works through high school math topics.  

Math Essentials

You can find out more information about the different Math Essentials offerings by visiting their website and checking out the following Social Media site:

With suggestions on how to help your kids enjoy and do well with math, Math Refresher for Adults reminds us that we CAN be successful in math.  I like that.  The recommendation is that you spend NO MORE THAN an hour or so at a time on math.  I REALLY like that.  I have been able to "remind" myself of some concepts I had forgotten over the years and that helps me to explain better to my daughter.  The pressure of spending hours and hours "calculating" is off and we are learning again that math can be fun.

I was given the opportunity to review Math Refresher for Adults from Math Essentials as a member of the Homeschool Review Crew.   You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought of this math curriculum (or just click on the banner below.)

Math Refresher for Adults {Math Essentials}

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