
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Encourage: My WORD for 2015

Word 2015

I used to be a very positive person. I was the one who encouraged others.  I was always a "glass is half full" kind of girl and Optimism was my middle name.  I was quick to share with others that LIFE IS GOOD -- or give it a minute and it will be.

And then I wasn't.

I'm not exactly sure when I became less of an encourager and more of a discourager, but it happened. My husband and children would probably even tell you that I am the least encouraging person there is.  I want to make that right.  They don't remember the me that I want to be.

I truly desire for my words to speak life.  Abundant LIFE.

GOD has been whispering in my ear that it is time to change.  It is simply time to find the positive -- and share it with others.

I recently received a text from my sweet friend that said:
 "I want to slow down and it just is not possible.  I want time to visit with friends.  When I do finally slow down, I crash. My child is looking at colleges -- and that both excites me and makes me an emotional mess. My hubby is off at a work conference.  I want to have the house clean before he gets home.  It's a mess.  Instead, I walk in the door, finish the nighttime routine, and sleep.  I need to make lists to keep up.   Life is hard."

And I agree with her.  I 110% agree.

Life IS hard and this is not the way that I had mine planned.  I'm not who I thought I would be, nor who I truly want to be.  My house is a mess, my emotions are a wreck, and it seems that that is more the norm than any of us really imagined.

It seems to me that we are all struggling in ways we thought we wouldn't and maybe, just maybe, we've lost our way.

But GOD is still on the throne.  HE still loves me -- just like I am.  HE is not surprised, nor caught off guard with anything that I can throw at HIM.

GOD promises that HE knows our paths, though, and I desire to FOLLOW HIM wherever HE may lead.  For 2015, HE is leading me to find the me I used to be as HE reminds me HE will never leave me, nor forsake me.  I am called to ENCOURAGE and I aim to obey.

Join me as I pore over my Bible in search of all the verses that ENCOURAGE.  And please share your favorites with me, too.  Let's do this together and make 2015 our very best year yet.  What do you say?

This week I am focusing on these two Bible verses and I'll be exploring for others that indeed remind me to be an encourager like Barnabas.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says "so encourage each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now."

Hebrews 3:13 says "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today," so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

Because this day HAS great POTENTIAL,

1 comment:

  1. You encourage me often! I hope you see a difference with your goal in place this year.


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart with me!